
Friday, 14 July 2017

Tehnolog Chaos Ogre Conversion

Here's yet another one of my projects featuring Tehnolog miniatures:

After picking up Tehnolog Minotaurs, I decided to try and convert some Tehnolog Ogres as well.
So I went and picked up 8 of them for measly 5.40$ on eBay.
I decided to make them more Chaos-like using different bits at my disposal.
And this is the result:

Still in need of some greenstuff, but almost there

The models come in plastic bags and are pretty much similar to minotaurs in every way, so I won't be making another review. Size-wise they are slightly bigger than GW Ogres.
Superglue sometimes doesn't work perfectly on these guys, but I have no idea why.

I really like the way they look and I actually prefer their style when compared to GW Ogres.
They look good enough to be used as Chaos ogres even straight out of the bag. But since they only have four variants, I do recommend at least minor conversions just to make them look a bit more diverse.

And here are some photos of the converted models:

The back ranks, featuring some Chaos marauder bits

Musician and champion conversions

Standard bearer and a funny spiky guy


  1. I really like your conversion! What bits do you use for the Champion's head?

    1. Thank you!
      I've used an GW Ogre head from the Ironblaster kit and added horns from a Chaos knight helmet.

  2. How did the ogres turn out for you. I ordered some and found that primer and paint sticks very bad to them. I always get bits falling off and showing the green-metal plastic through.

    1. I've washed the plastic first and then used black spray primer because I also noticed that the paint doesn't stick ideally. After I was done with painting I sealed them and I haven't noticed any damage on them so far.

  3. How did the pain job turn out?
