The day is finally here!
After a long time abroad, I returned home and opened my first two bags of Tehnolog miniatures.
On the first glance the material Tehnolog uses for it's miniatures seems very rubbery in nature, but in actuality it isn't that bendable. Only some the thinner weapons seem to be bendable while the rest seems quite durable. I'd say that's a good thing for the purposes of gaming, as these miniatures can take some battering without being damaged.
The downside of this is that it's sometimes really hard to remove mould lines. That being said, I have to say that there aren't may mould lines on these models, but you will need a very steady hand and a sharp knife to remove them without leaving any traces or deep cuts on the surface.
Now onto the design...
Games Workshop Ogre Kingdoms bits were used for conversions
The background was hastily edited and some of the models are not yet based |
The models themselves don't have a lot of details on them.
This might be a big problem for people who are used to high end plastic miniatures.
Personally, I find the swords the most problematic. They seem to be very cartoony in design and unfit for savage beastmen look. Some bodies also seem to lack details in their belly area.
Because of that, I decided to use some of the more abundant ogre bits in order to cover the problematic areas, as seen on the picture above. It worked quite well in my opinion and the miniatures have a more serious look now, as well as some additional details on the areas that needed them the most. The only thing missing now is a big set of horns for the champion and some gory trophies, which should these models that full Grimdark look.
One thing worth mentioning though, is that Tehnolog minotaurs only have four fingers on each hand and Games Workshop Ogres have five, so if you're bothered by this you'll either have to scrape some off or pick up some putty and sculpt additional ones. Another option for less skilled folk out there could be giving them stumps and saying that they lost some of their fingers in the heat of battle.
So if you're looking for miniatures full of details, these probably aren't the ones you're looking for. On the other hand, if you're looking for cheap gaming pieces or a fun conversion project, keep reading this post...
A size comparison with Games Workshop Minotaur and Gor |
Size-wise Tehnolog minotaurs compare very well to the latest Games workshop minotaur models, although they are less muscular and thinner in general. They also fit well on 40mm bases.
Tehnolog minotaurs may be less detailed than some of the other products out there and may require some converting and painting skills in order to blend in as proper tabletop gaming pieces, but for the price of only 3$ per four figures I have to say that these toys are a real bargain. Encouraged by this, I also picked up some of the other Tehnolog prodcuts, such as Ogres and Daemonic cannons. More info on that topic later.
Final verdict?
Big thumbs up from me!