
Tuesday, 17 January 2017

Chaos Lord on Palanquin of Nurgle

I've started painting my converted Nurgle palanquin lord:

I'm using GW Maggoth lords for most of my character conversions, since they seem to be almost ogre-sized when compared to regular chaos warriors. I've used Orghotts Daemonspew upper body for this conversion in particular. I've given him a Nurgle blightking torso plate (which I had to widen a bit to accommodate its bulkiness) and a pair of legs from Stormcast (Sigmarine) Lord Relictor. I've also added a besagew from a chaos warrior body to one of the pauldrons, to accentuate its size.

The lower part palanquin was built out of two full bases of nurglings and filled using some spare nurglings from the plaguebearer sprue. The pile of nurglings is supporting a platform made out of three Empire round lion shields (with lions removed) and three chaos vehicle spikes connected with plasticard. It is hard to notice from these angles, but the platform itself has a shape of a Nurgle icon.
The upper part was built out of plasticard for the most part, with some additions like chaos vehicle spikes, plaguebearer and chaos knight icons and a bell from zombie sprue.

I was also planning to add a hanging carcass on the sideopposite to the bell, but that may prove to be too much clutter for this model to handle.

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