
Friday, 6 January 2017


Hello and welcome to "The Forge of War", my miniature wargaming blog!

My goal here is to paint some miniatures and hopefully deliver some battle reports in the near future.
I mostly play 9th Age, but don't be surprised if you see Age of Sigmar or other board-game reports as well.
I own Warriors of Chaos, Empire and Orcs & Goblins armies, as well as a vast amount of other Warhammer/9th Age miniatures.

As far as the painting and hobby goes, expect a variety of models and updates.
Most of the updates will be related to Chaos, Empire and O&G though, since those are my primary armies at the moment. I might even do some scenery for my private collection in the near future.

Constructive criticism, questions and suggestions are always welcome!

So that was my quick introduction...

Keep your fingers crossed for the future updates.

Best regards until next time!


Silver Wolf


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