
Thursday, 6 April 2017

Painting an Empire!

Empire was my first army when I decided to start the hobby, but due to my lack of painting skills back then, I decided to leave it mostly unpainted until my painting skills improved. Recently I've decided to paint my Empire army in basic colours just to kill some time and relax a bit. I went a step further with my captains though, just to test the Talabecland colour scheme.

So, the first guy is an ordinary GW Empire Captain.
I loved the style of this miniature so much that I had to buy as soon as it was released.

I got this second guy as a surprise when I was buying a bunch of used random miniatures. He was in a pretty bad shape, so I decided to fix him.

The model only had a body with an outrider cape and a part of an arm which held a completely broken and bent mace from the original box.
I've fixed most of the damage with greenstuff (although I missed some details on one of the tassels) and covered some problematic areas using Empire handgunner bits.
I've used a chaos warrior weapon arm to fix the mace.
The head comes from Empire archers sprue, but I've taken the liberty of adding a skull and an dagger from High elf spearmen sprue to it in order to make it stand out more.
The right arm was made form bits of Empire militia and Cannon crew sprue.

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