
Monday, 1 May 2017

Nurgle Barbarian Chieftain

I've been thinking about converting a barbarian chief for my Nurgle army for quite some time now.
However, I've had troubles finding a suitable model which I could use as a base for my conversion.

What I had in mind was a bulky base model wearing some sort of shabby heavy armour.
Now, the main problem was that I wanted my model to be more armoured than the marauders but still less armoured and less mutated than my warriors and chosen.

So after thinking about it for a long time, I've settled for Reaper Bones Kavorgh:

Miniature painted by JeffyBaby from Reaper forums

I wanted to go for a light conversion in order to save some money and keep the flavor of the original model.
What I'd like to go for is a head swap (using Otto Glott head without the helmet) and a flagellant banner just to make the model stand out a bit more in the unit.
I decided to keep the small mutations (4 fingers, hunched pose and the chin tentacle), but I didn't want to go for pus, sores and usual Nurgly things since I somehow need to make this guy stand out. Some sort of a purplish skin tone might be just the thing I need to achieve that, as it should provide some contrast from the rest of the unit.
I also decided to keep the original weapons as I feel that the model looks more unique this way.
The other idea I had was using dual scimitars from the Blightkings set.
I might also add one of the Blightking shoulder pads on the left shoulder since I don't like the Roman-styled bits of armour hanging there.

A quick mockup to illustrate the general idea

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