
Friday, 23 June 2017

GW Hammerer and EM4 Dwarf conversions

I've been considering assembling a modestly-sized dwarven force on a budget and I came across EM4 miniatures.

EM4 offers you 50 dwarf models for 7£. That's a pretty sweet deal if you ask me.
My idea was to buy a unit of 20 GW Hammerers (which are very nice looking, but mind-blowingly expensive) and use the leftover Longbeard bits on some of the EM4 dwarves to make full use of that set.

So here's are some concepts I had in mind:

EM4 Dwarf Hammerer conversion

First of all, if you used your GW kit to assemble Longbeards, you will still have enough bits to convert some nice-looking Hammerers. In order to achieve the same look as shown above, you'll have to make some press moulds for steel boot tips and pauldrons (or order some additional pauldrons of your choice).
The model on the left side is a good option if you're building a low budget army. In order to assemble that guy, you'd only need some greenstuff, a pair of pauldrons and hammer heads.

EM4 Dwarf Longbeard conversion
Don't mind the axe, I was too lazy to find a picture with a matching angle.

If you went for Hammerers instead, you'll still have enough bits to squeeze out 20+ Longbeards per box (10 with great weapons + 10 with hand weapons and shields + additional command models).
The first picture shows the low effort variant. You only need to replace the weapon and add some shoulderpads to achieve this look.
The middle picture shows what you can achieve with some additional effort, such as adding steel tips on the boots and replacing the heads (may require greenstuff to fill in the gaps).
The last picture shows the rear of the model. The tabard leaves some space for you to display your army colour scheme.
Now, you can either give these guys shields if you wish, or you can use the rest of the bits (this time preferably on EM4 dwarf spearmen models) and convert them into Longbeards with hand weapons and shields. I also suggest extending their beards and using GW Dwarf warrior masks for the maximum effect. Ordering some additional Longbeard heads is also a good option.

I also believe that the same thing can be done with Ironbreakers/Irondrakes set.

I hope someone will find this post useful.


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