
Saturday, 7 January 2017

Panonnia Minor 2016. Tournament, Game #2


Warriors of the Dark Gods VS. Daemon Legions

Victory points: 13-7
Battle points: +96
Deployment type: Classic
Secondary objectives: Capture the Flags

Link to the tournament armies and lists

Results of the tournament

So this was my second game of the Panonnia Minor 2016. 9th Age tournament.
Unfortunately, I only have two pictures from this game, so I'm going to keep this report short and sweet.

These are the two pictures and they're from my opponent's second turn:

I deployed my whole army at once again, and I got to go first.
I've tried my best to keep my Dragon Lord out of the harm's way throughout the game.
However, my Bloodbeast got shot to death during the first turn of the game by a joint effort of a Blood chariot and a Blazing chariot.
I swear, this thing got killed at the start of two out of three games I played on this tournament and it didn't even deliver a single wound in three whole games. Next time I'm taking a Pestilence Wasteland giant, just because of an extra wound and 15 points lower price.
The Dragon gets shot during turn two, but ignores the hit because of his trusted Lucky shield.

That unit of 5 Pestilence Wasteland knights with lances in the middle of the board gets charged by 4 Crushers over a long distance. And unbelievably, the Pestilence knights actually manage to grind out those Crushers over a period of few turns, losing only 1 knight in the process.
Crusher cavalry really does suck.

Everything else moves a little forward, except those Horrors who get charged in the rear by an ambushing Pestilence Fallen beast and remain tied up there until turn six, when the Dragon Lord sweeps them all up.
The Dragon lord gets shot by a Blood cannon, loses three wounds and kills a unit of Furies and a Carnal chariot on his way to that combat.
A Totemic beast also gets summoned by my Shamanism Sorcerer, but he only manages to kill a chaffing unit of Furies before getting shot to death (or maybe he got killed in the combat with Horrors, I don't really remember anymore).

I try my best to avoid his Scourge of Wrath greater daemon with my dragon, since he does Multiple wounds (2) to monsters and my Dragon doesn't do well in challenges, having great weapon and not much of a save (only 3+ armour, first failed save rerollable).
So I charge him with my Pestilence Battle shrine in order to tie him up (because of that -1 to hit, 4+ armour save and a 4+ Ward save) while I march my Pestilence warrior horde toward the Slaughterers. And I manage to do that, at least for a turn. He fluffs his attacks, I make a few saves and win by a charge and a flank. He passes his leadership test, though.

Then everything goes wrong.
Slaughterers charge the Warrior block and the Scourge of Wrath actually manages to win combat with the Battle shrine by one this time (despite losing hatred and +1S during the first turn). The Battle shrine runs, and the Greater Daemon hits into the flank of the Warrior block. There he kills my BSB in a challenge (having hatred again and all that stuff). I just can't make save a single friggin' 5+ armour, 6+ Ward save and I only need to pass 1 out of 4 for him to stay alive.
So the Palanquin BSB dies and doesn't even get to use his S3, armour ignoring breath weapon.
The Warriors lose this combat and get overrun, leaving me in a dire situation.
The Battle shrine later on rallies on top of that hill in my deployment zone.

Now, this part here saved me...
Since those trolls kept stumbling forward due to failing Stupidity a couple of times (I've played them poorly throughout the game, but I got lucky and that actually helped me win), they got directly in the way of the Slaughterers who had to overrun first (being the largest unit in the combat). Unfortunately for my opponent, those Slaughterers covered the whole footprint of my Wasteland troll unit, forcing the Scourge of Wrath to fly over them, thus keeping him out of the combat for a turn (which was, luckily for me, the end of the game).
The Slaughterers then got charged in the flank by four Pestilence Wasteland Knights and got slaughtered themselves, leaving only the BSB on 1 wound remaining.
By the end of turn six, both the Harbinger BSB and the unit of Horrors get banished.

The game ends with a 13-7 victory for the WoDG, but only because of the Secondary objective.
I've won this one because those Wasteland knights held the only remaining banner on the board.

The opponent was great and the whole game had this sort of laid-back attitude to it even though our units were dying in heaps (in true Chaos style).

So that was the second game!

Stay tuned for the third and the last report of this tournament and check out the links at the bottom of the post.


Best regards and may the Dice gods bless your rolls!

Silver Wolf

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A short video of the tournament was made by GRUMPI GUY.

For more updates, like and subscribe to GRUMPI GUY's channel.
If you're interested in top-notch painting, wargaming and Warhammer 40k, I recommend following this guy's channel. The channel is still pretty new, but expect a lot of various great updates in the future, since this guy means business!

Our gaming club, Panonnia Minor also has it's own Facebook page which you can like and follow:
(every post also has an English translation, just click "Read more" if it doesn't show up immediately)

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