
Saturday, 7 January 2017

Panonnia Minor 2016. Tournament, Game #3


Warriors of the Dark Gods VS. Dwarven Holds

Victory points: 20-0
Battle points: Opponent conceded
Deployment type: Classic
Secondary objectives: Secure Target

So this is my third and last game of the Panonnia Minor 2016. tournament.
We're playing Secure Target secondary objective. Each player places a marker on the board, 12" away from their Deployment zone and 24" apart from the other marker. The player controlling the most markers by placing more Scoring units within 6" of the marker wins this Secondary objective.

This here is a snapshot from WoDG turn 1:

My whole army marches forward to engage Dwarven line in close combat as fast as they can.
The Dragon and the Bloodbeast hide behind a hill as they don't want to get shot. Two units of Warhounds run alongside that impassable terrain by the edge of the board toward the Dwarven marker and the Dwarven flanking force (consisting of 3 Hold guardians, 10 Clan warriors and 10 Clan marksmen with +1 to hit).
The Wasteland warriors were an inch short of guarding that wall in the middle of the board (units Guarding the wall get Hard cover).
During the magic Phase, I summon a Totemic beast, but the opponent dispels it.
Then the boosted version of Chilling Howl 12" Aura goes off, and now my opponent's shooting suffers a -1 to wound modifier when shooting at my units in the middle of the board.
Pretty darn sweet.
During his first turn, the opponent shoots 2 units of Warhounds off the board and moves two Steam copters closer so they can harass the Dragon and the Bloodbeast.
His Grudge buster (a dwarven zeppelin, how cool is that?) flies over my lines, but it won't do much during the course of this game, except maybe kill one Pestilence Wasteland knight.

And then comes WoDG turn two.
I charge my warrior block into his Greybeards and Deep watch (holding 3 characters), and I make it on a 10+ roll. Oh, what a glorious day!
On top of that, the Battle shrine's Ancestral aid Bound spell goes off, giving that Wasteland warrior block rerolls to hit. The Greybeards and the Deep watch have hatred against my Wasteland Warrior unit, however (dwarven Ancient Grudge special rule).
The warriors easily shrug off a bunch of S4, wounding on 5+ (plus hatred) and return a bunch of S6, poisoned attacks with rerolls to hit, decimating the Greybeards unit. Two challenges were also issued. The first one was a pillow fight between Wasteland warrior and Deep watch champions.
However, my Harbinger BSB puts 2 wounds on his King using his good old S3, armour ignoring breath attack, and receives none in return (T4 saved the Harbinger in this case; if he were T5, the King's attacks would land at S10 - that's Rune of Smashing, I believe).
His characters (Thane BSB, Runic smith) with great weapons kill a few warriors in return.
The dwarves lose this combat by a bunch, but hold their ground.

In his next turn, my opponent puts a wound on the Dragon behind the hill using Steam copters (I forgot about the Lucky shield and Lucky charm this time).
The Greybeard unit (along with the BSB) breaks in combat during this turn.
I also actually manage to wound his BSB somehow, but I don't remember how. I think my unit Wasteland warrior champion was responsible.
His flank moves toward the Dwarven marker.

During my turn 3, I sort of wrap this up, by charging his Deep guard with 6 Pestilence Wasteland trolls. Remaining 4 Pestilence Wasteland knights chase the Greybeards off the board and overrun into his warmachines. The Dragon and the Bloodbeast move out of the hiding.
I mop up his Deep watch unit (along with the King and the Runic smith) and we end the game after turn three.

I have to say that the opponent was great all throughout the game, despite my unbelievably dumb luck. We both agreed that this battle would have looked very different if that insane 10+ charge didn't take place. In hindsight, I think that this charge was a good decision on my part, since WoDG can't risk taking too much shooting because of the low model count (even if it means being locked in combat with 2 enemy combat blocks at the same time).
In a way, this was an "all in" kind of game and I got lucky.

So, that's it.
With three wins and 53 Victory points in total, I have won this tournament.


Check out this link if you'd like to see a short video of the tournament or this link to follow our gaming club on Facebook.


Best regards and may the Dice gods bless your rolls!


Silver Wolf

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A short video of the tournament made by GRUMPI GUY.

For more updates, like and subscribe to GRUMPI GUY's channel.
If you're interested in top-notch painting, wargaming and Warhammer 40k, I recommend following this guy's channel. The channel is still pretty new, but expect a lot of various great updates in the future, since this guy means business!

Our gaming club, Panonnia Minor also has it's own Facebook page which you can like and follow:
(every post also has an English translation, just click "Read more" if it doesn't show up immediately)

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