
Wednesday, 7 February 2018

Reaper Ghost king

Oh my, it's been a long time since my last post...
Anyways I haven't done much these last few months, except maybe this:

I've painted up my first Reaper Bones model!
It's not one of my best works, but it still provided me with some valuable insights:

First of all, I base-coated the model using a matte black spray, which is apperently something you shouldn't do when it comes to Reaper bones range. Unfortunately, it was already too late when I discovered that particular piece of information. The applied coat of spray can paint never seems to dry properly and it leaves a somewhat glossy coat of paint on your miniature.
The company's tutorial recommends applying paint straight onto the model.
 I'll keep that in mind for the next time.

Secondly, because of the nature of the material, washes behave differently when applied to the miniature. They seem to pool a bit more than they do on regular hard plastic, but it's not a major issue. Just something too keep in mind so you can adjust your painting technique accordingly.

And the last thing I'd like to say is that this model was fun to paint and if you're trying to assemble a low budget army or just in need of some D&D models, I'd say that it's more than good for its price.

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