
Saturday, 6 October 2018

The Dwarves strike back!

I have finally finished converting and priming my EM4 dwarf warriors after a really long break.
I gave them GW Dwarf warrior axes and command bits to make them look a bit more grimdark.

The Stunties forming a line.

The first dwarf on the left was my colour scheme test subject so he has some basic paints and a wash slapped onto him. I think they look pretty darn decent in large groups, especially considering their price (7.70£ for 50 miniatures).

I'm hoping to finish painting by the end of the month as an exercise in speed painting.
I'm also hoping to eventually expand my collection with 20 GW Hammerers, 12 Thunderers, 20 converted Longbeards, a converted BSB and an Organ gun.

Also, the lord in the middle is an Avatars of War figure and my favorite dwarf figure in existence.

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